The Sovereign Citizen's Handbook

Roger L Ringgenberg
  • Male
  • Johnson City, NY
  • United States Minor Outlying Islands

Roger L Ringgenberg's Friends

  • Caleb McKean
  • Deborah Kalinowski
  • Sue Yo Ass
  • Sovereign Authority

Roger L Ringgenberg's Page

Roger L Ringgenberg's Blog

So much to learn.

Posted on August 19, 2010 at 8:30am 1 Comment

I have been sitting here the last week or so doing nothing but reading,watching video,and doing what I can to learn the ins and outs of this tangled web they call "the legal system."It has taken me a bit to get my mind around just how twisted and corrupt these blood sucking leaches really are,but,alas,I believe I have learned how to hit them where it really hurts,in there pocket book.It really is a refreshing feeling knowing that when you walk…

Script used at Broome County Court

Posted on August 14, 2010 at 9:52am 0 Comments

We arrived at court early. The judged seemed to be in a fair mood. He notice a room full of people with nobody signed in and guessed my strawman's name. I stood up. He asked me if I was ROGER RINGGENBERG and holding my family crest before me, started to red from the script, "I am the living man that is the authorized agent for ROGER RINGGENBERG and he is here today." Handing him some papers, I said "I would like to make an offer of proof for the record of the court?"

His face turned… Continue

Judge baffled at sovreignty claim

Posted on August 12, 2010 at 9:00pm 0 Comments

It all started Aug. 8th When the BROOME COUNTY, NEW YORK special nazi task force kicked in the door of my temple.They stole my sacramental cannabis.

I knew right away what my coarse of action would be. I called on my friend and J.M.Godsent, author of the book.We studied trained and rehearsed at my house for 2 days.I was given a script to follow, which was simple .

I gave the judge my claim to sovereignty and declaration of religion.He appeared angry as I would not claim my… Continue

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Greetings, I am
Roger of the Ringgenberg dynasty. I am on this network because I love this book.

I have read this book at least 7 or 8 times and I get something new out of it every time!

i highly recommend that you get a copy. I pass mine around with my friends and it's very nicely worn down now.

Latest Activity

Dillwyn-Smith:Stevenson:5th liked Roger L Ringgenberg's blog post Judge baffled at sovreignty claim
May 5, 2011
Sovereign-Jay: Webb. commented on Roger L Ringgenberg's blog post So much to learn.
"I wouldnt do that, I know of this 1099 OID and it will only get you in to trouble. We must SUE them with Federal Tort Claims, like high terson, with the aid of the JAG. hit them where it will really hurt. $200.000.00 x 350.000.000 people, Oh! and…"
Sep 23, 2010
Roger L Ringgenberg replied to Sovereign Authority's discussion Down adn dirty!!! Let's talk about the schwag!!!
"Friends DON'T let friends smoke schwagg!!!!!!"
Aug 14, 2010
Roger L Ringgenberg was featured
Aug 14, 2010

Comment Wall (2 comments)

At 9:59am on August 12, 2010, Sovereign Authority gave Roger L Ringgenberg a gift
Welcome to my book page: Please feel free to stylize your profile, make friends, ask questions, and blog about your experiences with The Sovereign Citizen's Handbook. Warm regards, J.M.
At 2:18pm on August 15, 2010, Deborah Kalinowski gave Roger L Ringgenberg a gift
Awesome blog and great job in Broome County Court!

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