It all started Aug. 8th When the BROOME COUNTY, NEW YORK special nazi task force kicked in the door of my temple.They stole my sacramental cannabis.
I knew right away what my coarse of action would be. I called on my friend and J.M.Godsent, author of the book.We studied trained and rehearsed at my house for 2 days.I was given a script to follow, which was simple .
I gave the judge my claim to sovereignty and declaration of religion.He appeared angry as I would not claim my fictional representation.
He tried to hold me in contempt but backed off after being asked if it was criminal or civil...he blurted criminal, I askeD who was the injured party.He said real abrupt ME!I
finally after being coached, I stated "under duress, I a m the living man Roger" He hesitated for a few minutes before deciding to ship the case from his court room with NO arraignment.
He said The DA would contact me but in the end I established my sovereignty on the record of the court, and the right to use cannabis as my religious sacrament. MANY thanks to my friend J.M. & the Church of Sovereigns, God bless you all!
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