The Sovereign Citizen's Handbook

We arrived at court early. The judged seemed to be in a fair mood. He notice a room full of people with nobody signed in and guessed my strawman's name. I stood up. He asked me if I was ROGER RINGGENBERG and holding my family crest before me, started to red from the script, "I am the living man that is the authorized agent for ROGER RINGGENBERG and he is here today." Handing him some papers, I said "I would like to make an offer of proof for the record of the court?"

His face turned red and he said in an angry voice, "Do you know that I could hold you in contempt of court!"

I replied, "Sir, would that be civil or criminal contempt?"

He immediately burst out with "Criminal!"

I inquired a to who the injured party was and he yelled "Me!" (in capitals)

He asked, "Are you ROGER RINGGENBERG?"

I replied, "I am the living man..." and he cut me off with something about contempt again.

He demanded, "Are you or are you not ROGER RINGGENBERG?"

Again, I stated, " I am the living man..." and he got up out of his seat and said "Alright, I'm calling the cops!"

J.M. was behind me and he spoke up with "Raj, it's okay. Just say "under duress, I am...""

And the judge turned around and sat down and I told him "Under duress, I am the living man, Roger Ringgenberg."

He gave a stern look and said, "I don't know what kind of a game your trying to play here."

I interrupted, "It's not a game sir. Cannabis use is part of my religious beliefs."

"NEW YORK doesn't recognize relgious use of marujuana" is what he said.

I said, "But the Supreme Court does. Guam v. Guerrero."

Then he ruffled the papers I had given him and said, "I can't arraign you or take a plea." and "it's going to be up to the D.A. if he wants to take it before a grand jury to indict you."

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