Honestly the best and foremost authority on being "Sovereign" is Ted Turner and the RAP (Restore America Plan). Ted has created a fairly inexpensive seminar that is training people in how to become the Secure Party Creditor. The RAP is also the effort underway to restore the dormant Constitutional Government of the united States of American. Over the next 10 years (or less) the country will fully restore and absorb the criminal corporations back into society in healthy positions or that will be prosecuted. The Bonds of the Governors have been arrested. The Military and the Supreme Court are in agreement. You will have access to the Millions of dollars in trust set aside from your birth certificate. Ted currently has (No Joke) a 60 Billion Dollar lean against the state of (Mississippii (or Georgia can't remember) Here are some links... http://www.voiceamerica.com/voiceamerica/vepisode.aspx?aid=46132 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbE4E769838 http://restoreamericaplan.blogspot.com/2010/02/links-tims-secured-party-process.html http://www.freedomyell.com/ http://americacanbefree.com/
I'm just starting into the information Tim Turner. At this stage, I'm not sure how much Tim Turner's info would help. Not sure what the time frame is to unravel this corporate nightmare. I do believe it is very credible. No reason you can't write to someone via the links below. But, eventually all such false crime will cease to exist in the uSA and those under false incarceration will be freed.
This is an excellent link - since their throwing you in Admiralty court ---
For Sui Juris
Some ideas -- A study of Sui Juris would be helpful. The main thing you never do with "Criminal" charges is use a lawyer. A lawyer is literally interpreted as a confession that you are incapable of your own defense, that you are a ward of the court and your strawman is what is being represented. You are never represented in court and are never representing someone in court. You are sui juris, the living human. Separating yourself from "Representation" means separating yourself from the STRAWMAN, the corporate fiction used as a rational to manipulate the living human by proxy. Pamela and Will Gaston have the book for this. It is about $50 however and only available from one source. Pamela is dead and the online addresses for their book do not work. The book has all the form sample also. One of the main reasons these false crimes exist and people are in jails is because every conviction has a bond floated which is short term profit to the CriminalS Justice System. Literally the person is a place holder for the bond. The judges get kickbacks for convictions. In court your son must declare himself as Sui Juris with confidence and make it clear he is there Inpropria Personum which means more or less the same thing. The court will (by it's corrupt and fraudulent nature) assume you are their, by default, as pro-se or representing. So if he goes to court he needs to speak load and clear. Also, I don't have the Supreme Court decision # but there is one that states that nothing can be a "Law" if it doesn't clearly state in it's wording who the authority is for the law. No statute does this. No statute is law! This means they can not produce the law that is violated.
If your talking about the sovereignty issue. Yes, what Ted Turner provides in this area are complete documents and instructions on filing them that establish your divorce from US Citizenship. The documents are marketed with Red and Blue areas. The Blue are instructions and the Red are were you enter information. Instructions are provided about where to file what documents and how. The individual must do this themselves, but the information is as clear as they can make it. There are also DVD's that are from seminars that explain the details and the process. He also has seminars ongoing around the country. Once you are divorced from the US Citizenship then information is also provided how to file claims with the "government" to have them pay bills from your trust fund. I haven't gotten that far but I intend to.
Eventually (hopefully near term) the sovereignty process will be the only legal process. But it will take sometime to weed the criminals off of their free lunch. To that effect, grand juries have been set up to handling indictments and prosecutions for those who don't conform voluntarily.
I believe Mr. Turner is the true and real authority on the entire process. You are right, if things are not done right then it can be interpreted as fraud. They identify the places where you should sign and where you absolutely must not sign. They know their stuff. But, as I say, I'm early in the process. I'm waiting on receiving the DVD's and have the documents to fill out. I'll keep you informed as to what my progress is.
Don't know. I'm just getting the "Secure party creditor" - via Tim Turners material sorted out. The only document requiring special paper (as far as I know) are the bonds themselves. Tim Turner has top quality bonds in his package that where created by a guy that worked for the Vatican Bank for years. I'm guessing it's Paul Casimir Marcinkus who was in charge of the Vatican Bank and moved to Sun City, Arizona. Perhaps the guy was trying to clear his conscience?
Not sure who you're referring to khristel. There are lots of groups and the only one that appears to me to really have a through grasp of law if Tim Turner. Please forward me a link to the group. Tim has documents for what he calls "Enforcement" that are very powerful against all frauds being perpetrated. Property done, his material is resulting in billion dollar defaults against government and corporations. The bottom line is what is being done by the government is very criminal so they can't respond with proof to a counter claim. If there is no real law for what they claim to be doing then Tim's process can not be responded to without compounding the liability of the "government" so they end up in default. Under Admiralty, the counter claim IS THE LAW! So whatever it says, wins due to default. He even has an international collection service that so likes the bonds and the counter claims of Tim that they will collect for you if you win. That will mean the "government agency" will loose their bonds, criminals will loose their jobs, criminal charges will proceed against them and you stand to win millions or billions of dollars, no joke. Obviously you must land on an issue that is a perpetration of fraud and you must not aquiess to the charge by ignoring it which it sound like you haven't done. You must counter it. Not sure what your situation is and I don't know any more than this at the moment. But if you can get to one of Tim's seminars it would help. I know things are time critical. You might talk to Jack at (888) 318-9379 and see what he suggests is the best way to get the support you need. One things to know is that if your son is "Represented" then the Supreme Count says a criminal in jail must remain "represented". So it's important to be unrepresented for that reason alone.
The short answer, is that they are very legitimate. They have the skills and training to help anyone. However, I understand that there is an amnesty and time to "Repent" aspect to the RAP. Time is being given to the criminal government(s) to ween themselves off the bad habits. Where they don't they will be held lawfully accountable. What direct benefit they are for your son, at this time, I don't know, but they would be the one's to help if anyone can.
Yes, I think quality paper is recommended for sending to the treasury and also only using laser printer. A laser printer uses a permanent ink. The documents sent to the treasury are a permanent record. Inkjet printers do not use a permanent ink apparently.
The government derives it's power from the consent of the people. The strength the juries have is in the power of real law. Unless the country moves to real dictatorship, the "law" rules. Because most of the government has been operating in fraud for a long time, the government has no real lawful position. The issue for you is a timing one. They have to pick their battles right now. Under the corporate system, the government operated in a de facto capacity. Really meaning the where the government but not the lawful government. Now they are being told to return to common law under the de juir government, the true, rightful government. Resistance is guaranteed and they may opt not to pursue if the resistance is too great. Right now they are picking their battles. Hope for the best. They do have authority backed by law and they say by military. Did you talk to them about your standing for a counter claim?
The idea is that your son has been wronged by the use of false law fraud. The best defense is a good offense. Disputing their charge and claiming damages due is very powerful under Tim Turner's system. I may not have quite the right term for it at the moment?
I've read that they did that and no, I don't know that that means. If anyone could pull that off it's the Guardians. I believe it results in the governors being exposed to greater liabilities and therefore encourages them to act lawfully. If you find out exactly what it means please let me know.
Texas is ok - Austin is the best of Texas. I'm front the Northwest originally and I feel much more at home there. Arkansas is pretty nice and rural, like taking the clock back 40 years or something. When I get the Secure Party Creditor stuff squared away, I'll either get a place in the NW or Arkansas (or both).
I'm 100% sure the Guardians are legitimate and very competent, too competent for the Judges and BAR. Hoping the best for your son.
The part that isn't clear to me is the degree to which the military is really behind them. I'm sure they have support but at some point push may come to shove but there's not enough info out there as to what is happening. It's still very early but at some point "officials" who refuse to cooperate are supposed to be forcefully removed from office and charges placed against them. Let's hope your sons case doesn't have to be the precedence on this. Hopefully reason will prevail and governor will remain sensible.
No Khristel, I don't think that it would adversely effect your son.I don't think attention from the Guardians would do anything but encourage the government to behave itself. Egos and greed are the problem for the government. I'm only thinking it may take more time than it should.Eventually they will accept Common Law and such frauds will cease to exist. But for not, it may take more effort on the part of the Jury to get the government to come to grips with reality.
Not from the Tim Turner group. I have been trying to always sign any document with "All rights reserved" which is the same as "Without Prejudice". I don't think the #s matter. It is the spirit that matters. Also signing tickets with "Under Duress" and "Under Protest" are suggested by some. I think once you have taken control of the strayman and clearly identified yourself as separate but in charge of the strawman then I believe that is when you have the strongest leverage in court. You take control of the strawman with the "Secure Party Creditor" status which starts with the UCC1 filing followed by a mailing of documents to something like 19 parties with an interest in the strawman, like the treasury, the secretary of state, and others. Making the official, legal declarations is very powerful and important. There seem to be an endless # of ways to manage courts but the strength comes from your clear public declaration that you are the living person who owns the assets of the strawman but you are not that fiction. Basically, they loose jurisdiction over you when you have done this. The maritime and corporate fraud is around your being the USA Citizen by default. The Secure Party Creditor has removing that default and with it any confusion about you and your relationship to the fiction.
I understand. I don't thing there's any better information or resource out there than these people. They are not fly-by-night. We don't know what impact they are really having at this point. We can't expect people addicted to crime to stop cold turkey. The responses and media are not going to be favorable. I believe the RAP has the full weight of real law on their side and unless we end up in a total dictatorship, they will prevail over time. Only the very worst of the criminal element in the world want a complete dictatorship world wide. Everyone else in power knows that is suicide for themselves long term. They want law to prevail. The general rule is if you don't stand up for yourself then you are just counted as part of the herd. There are some elements interested in defending international justice but not enough at this time. But law has to win and these guys in the RAP know law better than the judges and the lawyers. Since this BAR is the primary means of perpetrating this fraud they are self defeating.
I'm hoping that when the RAP says they have high ranking military support the aren't exagerating. Hopefully it's at the level of the Joint Chiefs. What they have said is that the military, like everyone else, now realizes they are being used by corporate and treasonous interests and they want it to stop. I believe the general plan is for word of mouth to be used to spread the information rather than to make a public, overt confrontational issue. It would be devastating to the country if all the judges where rounded up as criminals and all the fake government agencies where instantly shut down and all cities had to pay back everyone for all the false crime. So a gradual amnesty process is being used. Which may account for denials. I'm guessing 80% of police are absolutely not needed in the real world. In an emergency situation involving the police an innocent person is 5 times more likely to be shot by a police officer than by another citizen with a gun. Most of Police work is pure fraud and extortion. Most of them don't like it anymore than we do. I believe we're going through a process not unlike the communications revolution. It has taken 50 years to get to the place where a telephone in your house is obsolete a newspaper is obsolete, etc.. It's coming but it won't be instantaneous. This kind of social evolution is underway.
I thought you answered that or did some research? Someone commented on it? I'm confused I guess... My guess is that it's the indemnity bonds that allow the state to play the commerce via criminal frauds. Not sure exactly what they meant. Since there are huge sums of money at stake I would bet they found a way around it. I'm sure life is not quite so black and white as the RAP imagines. Never the less, long term I think Law is on their side.
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The Sovereign Citizen's Handbook
Khristel mcgill's Comments
Comment Wall (31 comments)
This is an excellent link - since their throwing you in Admiralty court ---
For Sui Juris
Eventually (hopefully near term) the sovereignty process will be the only legal process. But it will take sometime to weed the criminals off of their free lunch. To that effect, grand juries have been set up to handling indictments and prosecutions for those who don't conform voluntarily.
I believe Mr. Turner is the true and real authority on the entire process. You are right, if things are not done right then it can be interpreted as fraud. They identify the places where you should sign and where you absolutely must not sign. They know their stuff. But, as I say, I'm early in the process. I'm waiting on receiving the DVD's and have the documents to fill out. I'll keep you informed as to what my progress is.
Texas is ok - Austin is the best of Texas. I'm front the Northwest originally and I feel much more at home there. Arkansas is pretty nice and rural, like taking the clock back 40 years or something. When I get the Secure Party Creditor stuff squared away, I'll either get a place in the NW or Arkansas (or both).
I'm 100% sure the Guardians are legitimate and very competent, too competent for the Judges and BAR. Hoping the best for your son.
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