The Sovereign Citizen's Handbook

KIM RICHARDSON, Auth. Agent's Blog (1)

I recently became sovereign. Done a lot of research and the enemy has given us a bad name. Being sovereign to me means being under GODS LAW and that's all. Not man's Just Us law. All this paper terro…

I recently became sovereign. Done a lot of research and the enemy has given us a bad name. Being sovereign to me means being under GODS LAW and that's all. Not man's Just Us law. All this paper terrorism and violence is all media allows us to see but they don't mention GOD at all. The meek shall inherit the earth. ALL things work in favor for those who love the the lord and are called according to HIS purpose. Seek 1st the Kingdom of God and all will be given to you,

on earth as it is in… Continue

Added by KIM RICHARDSON, Auth. Agent on September 5, 2011 at 10:14pm — No Comments

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