The Sovereign Citizen's Handbook

If you have read some of the documents I posted you will have come to the conclusion our courts are conducting in Maritime Law the law of contracts and paper vessels, anything that can carry anything is a vessel. If you lose the title to your car you must salvage the title to create a new one, if you find a boat flotting in the ocean with no humans on board you can salvage claim the vessel, if the vessel has no Flag on it its ether a pirate vessel or a abandoned vessel. Whats this got to do with me or you.. well if your a vessel you must salvage yourself with a "Bill of Lading"  a Bill of Lading is the proof of ownership of the subject matter, something only a living-breathing-bleeding human can do. What is the subject matter jurisdiction (your name and NAME your SS #, your driver license #)
did you ever see a Title 4 Flag on any of thies vessels, no you dont, therefor we must capture thies vessels.
As you know there are 2 of you, one is the living breathing bleeding human, and the second is that asshole that always getting you in trouble and is dead and resides on paper and never speeks, known as the "nom de guerre", (false token) (corporate straw man, fiction name, corporate front name).
Ok, whats this got to do with the "Bill of Lading" its your tool to CopyClaim/CopyRight proof of ownership of the subject matter.
Whats required for this Bill of Lading...
First you must correct birth certifcate..

1~ Get certified copy of Birth Certificate or Certificate of Live Birth with correct Christian spelling format. Use the State form you were born in, with a letter of demand for correction of spelling, a Affidavit of Sworn Statement with Notary, and pay with Postal Money Order made out to the State who’s form you are using. It must be a Postal Money Order to have assured value, you will need a Postal Registered Mail form with RA and numbers.


a~ make 3 copy-sets of all five items filled out, (1. State form, 2. Letter of Demand, 3. Sworn Statement, 4. Postal Money Order and the Registered Mail form with RA and numbers.


b~  mail one copy Certified Mail and with all the Receipts for the: copies, everything bought at Post Office, Notary receipt and the purchase of the envelopes. Address back to your self from your self, make sure all possible opening of envelope and taped and sealed. When you receive this back in the Mail “DO NOT OPEN “or it is a dead letter.


c~ mail the Original (State form, Letter of Demand, Sworn Statement and Postal Money Order, all together (Certified and Registered with return receipt) to the proper address stated on request State form. Remember to use the same Registered Mail form you copied this method is necessary.


d~  keep a copy of set of same items for your open records.


Remember its Mail Fraud if they send back anything outside of the Letter of Demand.

If they do you can sue them for mail fraud...


By sending it Certified mail thay have to sign for it when they receive it and sence we paid with a Postal Money Order they accecpted the money the moment they sign the Certified mail.


I have included a sample of the Letter of Demand.


It will help you understand the power of words...
Next discussion starting your Bill of Lading.. with template...

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